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  • Meningitis ACWY Vaccine

    Meningitis ACWY Vaccine at Kamsons Pharmacy

    Why have the Meningitis ACWY Vaccine?

    It is recommended that all pilgrims on Hajj or Umrah have the Meningitis ACWY Vaccine. Proof of vaccination is required on entry to Saudi Arabia.

    Young teenagers, sixth formers and “fresher” students going to university for the first time are also advised to have the vaccination.

    Meningitis ACWY symptoms

    Meningococcal disease can cause both meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning). Septicaemia and meningitis can trigger sepsis, which is a life-threatening response to infection.

    Meningococcal disease is rare but very serious. It requires urgent hospital treatment. The meningitis ACWY vaccine is highly effective against serious infections caused by 4 different strains of meningococcal (A, C, W and Y).

    Other symptoms of meningococcal disease can include:

    • a headache
    • vomiting
    • a stiff neck
    • muscle and joint pain
    • a high temperature
    • cold hands and feet
    • drowsiness or difficulty waking up

    Kamsons Pharmacy Vaccination Service

    The Meningitis ACWY vaccine is available from Kamsons pharmacy for £57.  Following the completion of the below form, our prescriber will review your questionnaire and, where appropriate, will send your chosen branch a prescription. We recommend contacting the pharmacy two days after completing the form to arrange your appointment.

    If you are travelling abroad you may be interested in our other antimalarial, period delay and vaccination services.

    More information on Meningitis ACWY can be found on the NHS website.

    Price list for Meningitis ACWY vaccine at Kamsons Pharmacy