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  • Stop Smoking Support

    Every Kamsons Pharmacy team can help you to give up smoking. It is easier to stop smoking and stay off cigarettes with trained support than it is by going it alone.

    We offer advice, progress monitoring and can supply nicotine replacement therapy. Qutting smoking has many health benefits. For example after one year your risk of a heart attack will have halved compared to a smokers!

    Why not contact your local Kamsons Pharmacy and ask about help with quitting smoking?

    In many branches of Kamsons Pharmacy, NHS funded smoking cessation support is also available where it is commissioned locally. If you use this service then nicotine replacement therapy (such as patches, gum, lozenges and sprays) can be provided free of charge if you do not pay the NHS prescription levy. Otherwise a month’s supply of nicotine replacement therapy can often be provided for the cost of one prescription charge. Of course, regular ongoing counselling is also provided as well as regular breath tests.

    Carbon Monoxide Breath Test

    Breath tests with a smokerlyser are used to measure the amount of carbon monoxide in your breath. This equates to how much carbon monoxide there is in your lungs. Carbon monoxide blocks your red blood cells from picking up oxygen. It is the same gas that is emitted by car exhaust fumes and leaky gas fires. If you smoke then your reading will indicate that a proportion of your red blood cells cannot pick up oxygen from your lungs to transport it around your body. This makes you feel tired and have less energy to do exercise.

    The good news is that just a day or two after quitting smoking, your carbon monoxide levels will become the same as that of someone who has never smoked in their life. Our smoking cessation advisers will use this result to encourage you to stay quit. We know it’s not easy to give up but we are there to help you in a positive and encouraging way.
