Pharmacy Services

Kamsons Pharmacy provide a wide variety of services from each of our branches. Pharmacies play an important front line role in the detection and prevention of various health conditions.
Kamsons Pharmacy has the advantage of being small enough to care but with the back up and support to be able to develop and undertake new and innovative services.

What services do we offer?
Each pharmacy will offer a range of services dependent on the needs of its population and what is commissioned locally. The services we provide are designed to detect early signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease, prevent the spread of infectious diseases, offer protection and influence better lifestyle choices.
The main services we offer are listed below, if you are interested in a service that is not listed please speak to a member of the pharmacy team. Some of our pharmacies may offer services that are not listed.
Full details of which services your local pharmacy offers can be found on their individual pharmacy page under the branches section of our website.
We are always interested in new opportunities so if you would like to discuss how Kamsons Pharmacy could help you then please contact us via our webcontact form.
Prescribing Service
Kamsons Pharmacy employ a number of independent prescribing pharmacists who prescribe prevention and treatments as part of our travel clinic and private prescribing service.
If you are going away it would be wise to check if you need travel vaccinations or antimalarials for your trip. Many Kamsons pharmacies offer a vaccination service and antimalarials are available from all of our branches.
Our prescribers also specialise in the treatment of conditions such as erectile dysfunction, hair loss, period delay, premature ejaculation, hirsutism and hay fever.
For more information about the services we offer simply complete the below form.