Kamsons Pharmacy Kamsons Pharmacy Logo
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  • Prescribing Service

    General Health

    Chickenpox Vaccine

    Hay Fever Medication

    Shingles Vaccine

    HPV Vaccination

    Pneumonia Vaccination

    Hepatitis B Vaccine

    Whooping Cough

    Medicated Weight-Loss

    Free Vaccine Consultation

    RSV Vaccination

    Womens Health

    Excess Hair (Hirsutism)

    Period Delay (7 or 17 Days)

    Mens Health

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Premature Ejaculation

    Kamsons Pharmacy is owned by Waremoss ltd, Westminster House, Bolton Close, Uckfield, TN22 1PH. Our Pharmacies are registered with the GPhC. Pharmacist, prescriber and pharmacy premises’ current registration details can be seen on https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/. Superintendent pharmacist – Timothy Golding 2027075. Prescriptions for our prescribing service are issued by one of our independent pharmacist prescribers: for full list click here. The full address and contact details of our pharmacies can be found under the branches section of our website, further information about the service can be obtained by emailing webadmin@kamsons365.co.uk. If you are unhappy with the service or would like to provide us with your feedback you can write to us at the address above or email webadmin@kamsons365.co.uk. We are regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council of 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LQ.


