Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Year Graduate Training Programme
Kamsons Pharmacy Trainee Pharmacist Training Programme was recognised at the Chemist & Druggist Awards on 6th June 2019 as the winner of the prestigious C&D Training and Development Award. This award was for the quality, breadth and results of the Kamsons Pre-reg Training Programme.
Read full details in this article in the professional press about our practical training days and “How we achieved pre-reg pass rates of 100% two year’s running”
Have a listen to what trainee pharmacist Basil said, about his foundation year with Kamsons, on the NHS Careers in Pharmacy website.
You can also see what his Educational Supervisor/tutor, Will Lloyd at Kamsons in Chichester says about his role as pharmacist manager and independent prescriber on the NHS Careers in Pharmacy website
Some of the reasons why Kamsons Pharmacy won the C&D Training & Development Award are:
- Kamsons regularly beats the General Pharmaceutical Council’s Registration Exam national pass rate.
- Kamsons Pharmacy is the only large company to have achieved a 100% GPhC Registration Exam pass rate for two consecutive years.
- Long established in-house training programme that has been running and developed for nearly 20 years
- An emphasis on pastoral care- at Kamsons we know it a difficult year working full time whilst studying for the hardest exam of your life. We will look after you and support you throughout the year. Our Training Manager is on hand to support both pre-reg trainees and tutors with any issues
- We provide a broad experience and partnership working to provide you with a really interesting year including visits to a hospice to learn about palliative care, some joint training days with hospital pre-reg trainees, visiting lecturers from University of Cambridge Medical School and University of East Anglia and full-length mock exams from the University of Bradford. Note that our trainees in Manchester and Leeds undertake a different programme and will not attend all of these sessions.
- Nearly all of our trainees undertake a hospital cross-sector experience
- Over a third of our pharmacist managers are our ex-trainee pharmacists.
- Some newly qualified Kamsons pharmacists go straight into managing their own Ka msons Pharmacy whilst most stay on and work covering managers’ days off and holidays in a range of Kamsons Pharmacy branches
- Our training is broad enough to provide you with the experience to work anywhere- immediately after their foundation year with Kamsons, our newly qualified pharmacists have gone straight into jobs in hospital pharmacies, GP surgeries and the pharmaceutical industry. One ex-Kamsons trainee even owns his own pharmacies in Brighton.
- Our tutors are committed to providing you with excellent training. They all volunteer for the role.
- Our ex-trainees give great feedback on their year.
To apply for a trainee pharmacist place in 2026-27, then please search for Kamsons on the NHS Oriel system (under training programmes) available at from June 2025 Details of the Oriel application timetable are available at
Details of Oriel vacancies at Kamsons to commence training in July 2026 will be posted here.